Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I Am Radiant

From: The Radiance Sutra's by Lorin Roche

Whenever any of the senses is impaired
It becomes a gateway to infinity,

Whether by self-imposed deprivation, injury, or age,
Obstruction of the senses invites awareness of Soul.

The mind can no longer take the world for granted
As attention becomes introverted,
And attends to the shimmering emptiness -
The reality behind the world of appearances.

Today's Exercise: I AM RADIANT
Take a moment and sit quietly. Straighten the spine. Feel it lift up towards the sky above by releasing the shoulders down the back and ground your seat at the same time. Begin to lengthen your breath, filling the bottom, top, sides and back of the lungs. After three long deep breaths, release the conscious breathing and breathe normally again. Now when you inhale, say the words: "I Am Radiant" to yourself inside your head and see if you can feel the words too. Repeat over and over. See if you can play with the language as breath in the words, "I Am Radiant" - can you feel it?? Can you?? You are radiant!


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